German Parliamentarian Opposes Government’s Bitcoin Sale

German Parliamentarian Opposes Government's Bitcoin Sale

The German government’s decision to liquidate 50,000 bitcoins seized from the illegal site has sparked controversy. Joana Cotar, a federal MP, opposes the sale, arguing it harms the national economy and the crypto market. She views Bitcoin as a strategic asset and suggests it should be preserved as a national reserve to protect against inflation and stimulate economic innovation.

Cotar actively promotes Bitcoin adoption in Germany and has launched the “Bitcoin in the Bundestag(Lower House of German Parliament)” program to educate her colleagues on crypto’s benefits. She advocates for a balanced approach that combines legal security with innovation while preserving Bitcoin’s libertarian aspects.

Cotar also opposes the European Central Bank’s digital euro, considering Bitcoin a better alternative for ensuring financial freedom. Her stance reignites the debate on Bitcoin’s role in Germany’s economic strategy. While the government prefers immediate liquidity, Cotar calls for a long-term vision, suggesting Bitcoin could be a valuable national strategic asset.

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