Epic Games CEO Teases Blockchain for Fortnite, No Crypto or NFTs

Epic Games CEO Teases Blockchain for Fortnite, No Crypto or NFTs

Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, has hinted at the potential integration of blockchain technology into Fortnite. However, he clarified that this would not involve cryptocurrencies or NFTs. This speculation arose after Jonah Blake, Co-founder of Game Fund Partners, suggested a 50% chance of blockchain being integrated into Fortnite and Unreal Engine within the next five years.

Sweeney responded on Twitter, acknowledging blockchain’s potential but emphasizing it would be devoid of financial elements like crypto or NFT trading. He reiterated, “Perhaps someday,” but stressed, “As we’ve plainly said many times we aren’t adopting cryptocurrency or NFT trading or similar.”

Focus on Technical Potential

Sweeney highlighted that the interest in blockchain lies in its technical capabilities, such as providing a decentralized solution for distributed transactional evolution, rather than its financial uses. This perspective aligns with projects like Pirate Nation, which plans to use blockchain for managing transactions across multiple systems without involving financial transactions.

In an interview with author Matthew Ball, Sweeney discussed broader applications of blockchain technology, including zero-knowledge proofs and cryptographic consensus protocols. He advocates for an “open metaverse” built on decentralization and interoperability, using open protocols and standards. This aligns with the efforts of the Metaverse Standards Forum to establish industry-wide technical standards.

Overcoming Blockchain’s Negative Perception

Despite blockchain’s association with cryptocurrency, which has tainted its perception, Sweeney remains optimistic about its future. He acknowledged the challenges and uncertainties surrounding blockchain technology but believes its value will eventually be recognized. Sweeney envisions a future where blockchain’s technical benefits can be harnessed without the drawbacks associated with its financial aspects.


Tim Sweeney’s cautious yet open stance on blockchain for Fortnite highlights the potential for integrating advanced technologies without delving into the controversial aspects of cryptocurrencies and NFTs. His vision focuses on leveraging blockchain for its technical strengths to enhance digital environments and promote a decentralized, interoperable metaverse. As the technology evolves, it will be interesting to see how Epic Games and other industry leaders navigate its integration.


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