Multicoin Capital to Double Solana Donations for Pro-Crypto PAC

Multicoin Capital to Double Solana Donations for Pro-Crypto PAC

Multicoin Capital, a prominent investment firm specializing in tokens and blockchain companies, has announced a pledge to match all Solana donations made to the Sentinel Action Fund Super PAC until July 14. This initiative aims to support four pro-crypto Republican challengers running for U.S. Senate seats: Sam Brown in Nevada, David McCormick in Pennsylvania, Bernie Moreno in Ohio, and Tim Sheehy in Montana. These candidates have been endorsed by the Sentinel Action Fund for their strong support of cryptocurrency.

Sentinel Action Fund’s Pro-Crypto Stance The Sentinel Action Fund, which supports conservative pro-crypto candidates, has been vocal about its mission to advance responsible crypto innovation in the U.S. Kyle Samani, managing partner at Multicoin Capital, highlighted the PAC’s dedication to this cause. The PAC claims to be the only conservative Super PAC that promotes both pro-crypto candidates and pro-crypto innovation.

Financial Influence and Activities According to financial records from Open Secrets, the Sentinel Action Fund was established in 2022 and has been active in election cycles. It spent $10.2 million to oppose five Democratic candidates and contributed $3 million to support 11 Republican candidates. The PAC’s acceptance of multiple cryptocurrencies, including Solana, underscores its deep integration with the crypto economy.

Opposition and Challenges This pro-crypto stance is in stark contrast to some current incumbents. Bernie Moreno, for example, is challenging Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, who has been rated as strongly opposed to cryptocurrency by the Coinbase-backed Stand With Crypto organization. Similarly, Tim Sheehy is running against Jon Tester in Montana, and David McCormick is up against Bob Casey in Pennsylvania, both of whom have less favorable ratings on crypto issues.

Upcoming SAB 121 Vote The crypto industry is closely watching the U.S. House of Representatives as it prepares to vote next week on overturning President Joe Biden’s veto of Staff Accounting Bulletin 121 (SAB 121). This bulletin requires firms custodying cryptocurrencies to record customer holdings as liabilities, a rule that has caused concern in the banking and crypto sectors. The House Majority Leader, Steve Scalise, suggested the vote could occur as early as Tuesday or Wednesday.

Industry Response and Expectations Overturning the veto requires a two-thirds majority in both the House and Senate, a challenging threshold. The resolution had previously passed the House with a 228-182 vote and the Senate with a 60-38 vote, showing significant bipartisan support. Advocates like Alexander Grieve from Paradigm highlight the previous bipartisan support for crypto-related measures but remain cautious about the upcoming vote. Cody Carbone from the Chamber of Digital Commerce also expressed doubts about reaching the necessary consensus in such a short timeframe.

Implications for the Crypto Industry The outcome of this vote carries significant implications for the crypto industry. If the veto is overturned, it could alleviate concerns about banks’ ability to securely manage digital assets. Conversely, if the veto stands, firms may face challenges complying with SAB 121. The crypto industry remains hopeful but realistic about the prospects, focusing on rallying additional support in the House.

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