Trump Promises to End Crypto Crackdown and Make US the “Crypto Capital of the World” if Elected

Trump Promises to End Crypto Crackdown and Make US the Crypto Capital of the World if Elected

In a bold announcement at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville, Tennessee, former President Donald Trump declared his ambition to transform the United States into the global hub for cryptocurrency. Addressing the crowd after a delayed entrance, Trump emphasized his respect for the Bitcoin community, likening its potential to the early days of the steel industry.

Trump predicted a bright future for Bitcoin, even suggesting it could one day surpass gold. “Bitcoin is not just a marvel of technology,” he stated, “it’s a miracle of cooperation and human achievement.”

In his speech, Trump also took aim at his political rivals, particularly targeting presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris with his characteristic rhetoric. He promised to boost energy production through fossil fuels to support Bitcoin mining and artificial intelligence, even pledging to create an excess of electricity.

Positioning himself as the ideal candidate for the cryptocurrency community, Trump assured the audience that his presidency would lead to significant benefits for the industry. “If crypto is going to define the future, it’s going to be mined, minted, and made in America,” he declared. “If Bitcoin is going to the Moon, I want it to be America that sends it there.”

However, Trump wasn’t the only presidential hopeful to make waves at the conference. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. presented a Bitcoin-friendly policy plan, promising executive orders to bolster the US’s Bitcoin reserves and establish a strategic dominance in the cryptocurrency market. His ambitious proposal included transferring 204,000 BTC held by the Federal Reserve into a strategic reserve and purchasing 500 BTC daily until reaching a total of four million BTC.

Kennedy’s plan, if realized, would result in the US government controlling nearly 20% of all Bitcoin in circulation, positioning the country as an unrivaled leader in the cryptocurrency space.

Contrasting these political promises, whistleblower Edward Snowden offered a more cautious perspective. Speaking at the conference, Snowden warned against the politicization of Bitcoin, urging the community to remain independent and wary of political agendas. “Cast a vote, but don’t join a cult,” he advised, emphasizing that while politicians may offer support, the cryptocurrency community should avoid becoming overly aligned with any political faction.

Snowden’s message served as a reminder to prioritize the core values of the cryptocurrency movement, even amidst the growing interest and involvement of high-profile political figures.

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