Trump Suggests Crypto to Address U.S. Debt, Harris Campaign Reacts

Trump Suggests Crypto to Address U.S. Debt, Harris Campaign Reacts

Former President Donald Trump recently shared his thoughts on cryptocurrency, suggesting that Bitcoin could be used to address the U.S. national debt. This prompted a response from the campaign team of Vice President Kamala Harris, who highlighted Trump’s remarks.

Trump’s Crypto Advocacy

In a recent interview, Trump praised the crypto industry, emphasizing its potential to help manage the $35 trillion U.S. national debt. He suggested that the U.S. could “hand them a little bitcoin and wipe out our $35 trillion.” Trump highlighted the competitive advantage of embracing cryptocurrency, particularly in relation to China, which he noted is already advancing in this space.

Trump’s comments also included criticism of President Joe Biden’s administration and its approach to cryptocurrency. He accused Biden of lacking the intellect to understand or effectively regulate the crypto market, suggesting that Biden’s efforts to shut down crypto initiatives were misguided.

Harris Campaign’s Reaction

The Harris campaign quickly responded to Trump’s statements by sharing his words on social media. While Harris has not yet outlined her own stance on cryptocurrency, her campaign’s reaction indicates a critical view of Trump’s approach.

Trump’s comments focused on the need for the U.S. to take a leading role in the crypto industry to avoid falling behind other nations. He argued that the industry is already significant and loosely regulated, which has allowed it to grow rapidly. Trump emphasized that if the U.S. does not embrace crypto, other countries will, potentially leaving the U.S. at a disadvantage.

Future Implications

Trump’s pro-crypto stance has garnered support from many in the cryptocurrency community. However, the Harris campaign’s reaction highlights the ongoing debate about the role of cryptocurrency in the U.S. economy and its regulation. As the election approaches, it remains to be seen how each candidate will address these issues and what policies they will propose.

Transcript of Trump’s Remarks:

“Crypto is a very interesting thing. Very high-level in certain ways, intellectually very high-level. But if we don’t do it, China’s going to do it. China’s going to do it anyway. But if we don’t do it, China’s doing it. China is already doing it, and if we don’t do it, other countries are going to do it. So we might as well be at the forefront. And there are people in crypto that are very, very smart people who do love our country, and they think it’s– they think it’s good. Who knows? Maybe we’ll pay off our $35 trillion dollars, hand them a little crypto check, right? We’ll hand them a little bitcoin and wipe out our $35 trillion.”

“It’s already prominent. It’s moving along. It’s very loosely regulated. That’s one of the reasons it’s moving along. But it is a different form of a currency, and it’s going to end up benefiting the country. But if we shut it down like, you know, Biden’s trying to shut it down– Biden doesn’t have the intellect to shut it down. Can you imagine this guy’s telling you to shut something down like that? He has no idea what the hell it is. But if we don’t embrace it, it’s going to be embraced by other people. You know, it’s a massive thing already. Did you read where it’s bigger than any company in the world already, if you look at the market. It’s bigger than many countries. It’s a very big thing. If we’re not going to be the leader– we have the people that are the leaders. I know some of them. They’re very smart. And if we don’t embrace it, other countries are going to embrace it. Other countries will anyway, but we can be the leader. We might as well be the leader.”


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